How to Use Bias Tape Makers: A Simple Guide for Beginners in Sewing

How to Use Bias Tape Makers: A Simple Guide for Beginners in Sewing
How to Use Bias Tape Makers

How to Use Bias Tape Makers

For new sewists, it's only a matter of time before you come across projects that call for bias tape. It has many applications but can be a pain to make if you need it in large quantities. This is where bias tape makers come in. In this blog post, I'll share a quick and simple tutorial on how to make bias tape using a bias tape maker.

Table of Contents

What is Bias Tape?

Bias Tape

Bias tape is a narrow strip of fabric that is cut on the bias, meaning it is cut diagonally across the fabric’s grain. This diagonal cut allows the tape to have a bit more ease of movement than if it were cut on the cross grain or length grain. This makes it perfect for finishing curved edges like necklines, armholes, or quilts.

Types of Bias Tape Makers

Bias tape makers come in different sizes, each designed to create a specific width of finished bias tape. The size of the tape maker, which is often engraved on it, refers to the width of the finished tape.

Here’s a look at the most common bias tape maker sizes and the width of fabric strips you’ll need to cut for each:

The fabric strip you cut needs to be double the width of the finished bias tape. This is because the fabric is folded in halfway on each side, meeting in the middle to create the final width. For example, if you want a 12 mm finished tape, you’ll need to cut a 24 mm wide fabric strip.

Choosing the Right Size

  • Smaller bias tape sizes (6 mm - 12 mm): Ideal for smaller, more delicate projects like baby clothes, lightweight fabrics, or narrow seams.
  • Medium bias tape sizes (18 mm): Versatile and commonly used for general sewing projects, including garment seams, quilting, and home décor.
  • Larger bias tape sizes (25 mm - 50 mm): Best suited for larger projects such as cushion covers, quilts, or adding bold, decorative edges to garments and home décor items.

How to Cut Bias Strips

Cutting fabric on the bias means cutting diagonally across the fabric’s grain, which gives the fabric strip a bit of stretch. This stretch is what allows bias tape to smoothly wrap around curves and edges without puckering. Here's how you can cut your bias strips accurately:

Step 1: Prepare Your Fabric

  • Press your fabric: Start by ironing your fabric to remove any wrinkles. This will ensure your cuts are straight and accurate.
  • Lay out your fabric: Lay your fabric flat on a cutting mat or large surface. Make sure it's smooth and aligned, as you want your bias strips to be precise.

Prepare Fabric

Step 2: Find the Bias

  • Fold the fabric: Take one corner of the fabric and fold it diagonally across to the opposite edge. The folded edge is now your bias—the diagonal line that runs at a 45-degree angle to the grain of the fabric.
  • Mark the bias line: Use a ruler or straight edge to mark along the fold. This will be your guide for cutting the first strip.
Finding the Bias

Step 3: Measure and Mark Your Strips

  • Determine the strip width: Based on the size of your bias tape maker, measure and mark your strip width along the bias. Remember to cut your strips double the width of the finished tape you want to create.

Measure and Mark Bias Strips

Step 4: Join Bias Strips (If Needed)

  • Align the ends: If your fabric isn’t long enough, join bias strips by placing the ends at a 90-degree angle, right sides facing.
  • Sew diagonally: Sew across the ends where they overlap, then trim the excess and press the seam open.

Join Bias Strips

How to Use a Bias Tape Maker

Step 1: Insert the Fabric Strip

  • Insert the fabric strip: To make it easier to feed through the bias tape maker, cut the edge of the fabric strip at a slight angle. Then, feed the fabric into the wide end of the bias tape maker, making sure the wrong side is facing up.
  • Use a pin: If needed, gently push the fabric through to start it feeding. As the fabric emerges from the narrow end, the edges will be folded in.

Insert Fabric Strip

Step 2: Pull and Press

  • Hold the handle: Gently pull back the metallic handle of the bias tape maker as you slowly guide it along the fabric strip. At the same time, press the folded fabric with an iron as it comes out.
  • Tip: Instead of pressing immediately, pull the tape maker for a short distance and then press. This ensures the fabric folds closer to the middle crease. Pressing too close to the narrow end can sometimes pull the fabric outward, leading to uneven folds.

Pull and Press Bias Tape

Step 3: Continue Until Finished

  • Continue pulling the bias tape maker along the entire length of the strip while pressing as you go. This will create single-fold bias tape.

Single-Fold Bias Tape

Step 4: (Optional) Create Double-Fold Bias Tape

  • Create double-fold tape: To make double-fold bias tape, take the single-fold tape and fold it in half lengthwise, pressing again so that both edges meet in the middle.

Double-Fold Bias Tape

Happy sewing!

Finished Sewing Project

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